Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CapRadio Bing Cherry and Manhattan Recipe

Recipes by ELAINE CORN 
Bing Cherries in Syrup
10 cups washed, pitted Bing cherries
4 cups sugar
4 cups water
1. Pit cherries and measure until you have 10 cups.
2. In a heavy pot, bring sugar and water to a s
3. Pack pitted cherries into eight sterilized* hot pint jars (or a combination of pint and gift
sized half pint jars).
Pour in hot syrup, leaving1/2  inch head space.
3. Top with sterilized caps and screw bands,* and screw on until just hand tighten
5. Immerse jars in a simmering water bath, 15 minutes for pints and 10 minutes for half pints.
6. Remove jars from water bath to a cooling rack. Wait until you hear the pops to affirm
that caps have sealed.
7.Label and date. Store in a cool, dark place, such as a cellar or inner closet.
Will last years, unless you partake of the cherries through the year and will need to repeat this exercise during cherry season next year!
* May sterilize jars and lids and screw bands in a dishwasher cycle.
The ratio is 2 to 1. That’s 2 parts bourbon to 1 part sweet vermouth. A “part” can
be 1 coffee cup. Use 2 measures of the coffee cup for the bourbon and 1 measure
of the coffee cup for the vermouth for Manhattans for a crowd. 
Here’s the recipe for one Manhattan.
2 parts (2 ounces) good quality bourbon or rye
1 part (1 ounce) sweet (red) Italian vermouth
Few splashes bitters, such as Angostura bitters
1 Bing cherry, from above recipe
1. Measure bourbon and vermouth into a cocktail shaker. Fill with ice, cover well and
shake vigorously.
2. Strain mixture into a martini glass. Drop a cherry into the bottom of the glass. Add a
splash of bitters. Enjoy.
Alternatively, fill a cocktail glass with ice. Add bourbon and vermouth. Stir
Add a Bing cherry and a shake of bitters. Serve immediately.